Carpet Cleaning 5 rooms
For carpet that has been regularly maintain5 rooms carpet cleaning up to 1000 sqf.
Service Description
For carpet that has been regularly maintained. Includes: This special price requires 5 rooms minumum. Areas include bedrooms, hallways, closet, and other spaces inside the home. 1 regular size staircase counts as 1 room. Light furniture moving is included, such as tables, chairs, coffee tables and small couches. Excludes: Heavy Furniture moving (beds, dressers, piano, large couches TV stands.) Color stain removal. Carpet protector (scotchguard.) Pet odor/stain Treatment. Excessive Cleaning required, as is the case if more than a year has passed since last professional cleaning. Removal of Hazardous materials, mold, blood etc.
Contact Details
+ 661 367-1265
Lancaster, CA, USA